In order to implement in-depth Public Administration Reform in 2015 the Government of Georgia approved the Public Administration Reform Roadmap 2020. The Roadmap addresses six directions: Policy Planning and Coordination, Civil Service and Human Resource Management, Accountability, Public Service Delivery, Public Finance Management and Local Self-Government.
For implementing the Public Administration Reform, the Government of Georgia, once in every two years approves the Public Administration Reform Action Plan. Within the EU-funded project "Contributing to PAR through Civic Monitoring and Engagement" the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) in cooperation with the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) monitors the directions of Policy Planning and Coordination, Accountability, Public Service Delivery and Public Finance Management.
Improve the quality assurance control mechanism of policy documents and develop the capacity of the civil servants intending to perfect the system of policy planning and coordination
Mostly Implemented
Objective 1.1
Improve the quality assurance control mechanism of policy documents and develop the capacity of the civil servants intending to perfect the system of policy planning and coordination
Hi there!
Outcome Indicator
Verification Source
1.1.1 Share of the policy documents submitted to the Government that meet the requirements of updated Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook
Annual Monitoring Report of the Action Plan
Fully Implemented
1.1.1 Share of the policy documents submitted to the Government that meet the requirements of updated Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook
Hi there!
1.1.2 Share of the trained civil servants in Public Policy Analysis Trainings who have been awarded with the "completed with distinction" (the highest) certificate
Annual Monitoring Report of the Action Plan
Mostly Implemented
1.1.2 Share of the trained civil servants in Public Policy Analysis Trainings who have been awarded with the "completed with distinction" (the highest) certificate
Hi there!
Activity 1.1.1
Elaborate, deliberate, approve and print the package of the Regulatory and Methodological amendments of the Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.1.1
Elaborate, deliberate, approve and print the package of the Regulatory and Methodological amendments of the Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Hi there!
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Budget "Rule on Elaboration, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Policy Documents" is developed and approved by the decree of the Government
Legislative herald
Administration of the Government of Georgia
Policy Planning and Coordination Reform Working Group member agencies
19 09
Administrative Expenses
Fully Implemented
(1) "Rule on Elaboration, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Policy Documents" is developed and approved by the decree of the Government
Hi there!
17/04/2022 Handbook on the Elaboration, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Policy Documents is developed, discussed in the working group and approved by the decree of the government
Legislative Herald
Administration of the Government of Georgia
Policy Planning and Coordination Reform Working Group member agencies
19 09
Fully Implemented Handbook on the Elaboration, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Policy Documents is developed, discussed in the working group and approved by the decree of the government Annexes of the Handbook on Policy Planning , Monitoring and Evaluation are elaborated -
- On the conduct of the Situation Analysis;
- On the development of the Goals and Objectives and Logical Framework;
- On the elaboration of the Output Indicators and Indicators' Passport;
- On the development of Action Plan;
- Tools for Costing of Action Plan;
- Instruction for the Quality Assurance;
- Glossary;
- Instruction for Conducting Public Consultations.
The full Handbook is printed.
Legislative Herald
Administration of the Government of Georgia
Policy Planning and Coordination Reform Working Group member agencies
19 09
Fully Implemented Annexes of the Handbook on Policy Planning , Monitoring and Evaluation are elaborated -
- On the conduct of the Situation Analysis;
- On the development of the Goals and Objectives and Logical Framework;
- On the elaboration of the Output Indicators and Indicators' Passport;
- On the development of Action Plan;
- Tools for Costing of Action Plan;
- Instruction for the Quality Assurance;
- Glossary;
- Instruction for Conducting Public Consultations.
The full Handbook is printed.
Activity 1.1.2
Elaboration of a Training Module for Civil Servants on Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in compliance with updated regulatory and methodological documents
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.1.2
Elaboration of a Training Module for Civil Servants on Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in compliance with updated regulatory and methodological documents
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
The training module is developed
Training module materials
Administration of the Government of Georgia
Civil Service Bureau
19 12
Fully Implemented
The training module is developed
Activity 1.1.3
Training for civil servants on Policy Planning (monitoring and evaluation)
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.1.3
Training for civil servants on Policy Planning (monitoring and evaluation)
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
70 civil servants are trained
Attendance sheets
Administration of the Government of Georgia
20 03
Fully Implemented
70 civil servants are trained
Activity 1.1.4
Study of the best practices and legislative basis for conducting public consultations at the policy elaboration stage
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.1.4
Study of the best practices and legislative basis for conducting public consultations at the policy elaboration stage
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Research report is developed and recommendations are elaborated accordingly
Administration of the Government of Georgia
Policy Planning and Coordination Reform Working Group member agencies
19 09
Fully Implemented
Research report is developed and recommendations are elaborated accordingly
Activity 1.1.5
Develop and run a database of the policy documents submitted to and approved by the government
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.1.5
Develop and run a database of the policy documents submitted to and approved by the government
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Data on policy documents submitted to/approved by the government and recommendations developed accordingly is systematized by years and agencies.
Policy Documents Database
Administration of the Government of Georgia
19 06
Administrative Expenses
Fully Implemented
Data on policy documents submitted to/approved by the government and recommendations developed accordingly is systematized by years and agencies.
Activity 1.1.6
Elaboration of the Annual Plan of the Government Policy Documents
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.1.6
Elaboration of the Annual Plan of the Government Policy Documents
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
The Annual Plan is approved by the decree of the Government
Legislative Herald
Administration of the Government of Georgia
Policy Planning and Coordination Reform Working Group member agencies
20 03
Administrative Expenses
Fully Implemented
The Annual Plan is approved by the decree of the Government
Activity 1.1.7
Coordinate elaboration of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on policy planning and coordination of the ministries in compliance with the decree of the Government
Partly Implemented
Activity 1.1.7
Coordinate elaboration of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on policy planning and coordination of the ministries in compliance with the decree of the Government
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
SOP on policy development and coordination is developed by all ministries and approved by the Ministerial order
SOP documents
Administration of the Government of Georgia
All ministries
20 09
Partly Implemented
SOP on policy development and coordination is developed by all ministries and approved by the Ministerial order
Objective 1.2
Improve the quality of policy implementation Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation in order to ensure result-based management and increased public accessibility
Objective 1.2
Improve the quality of policy implementation Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation in order to ensure result-based management and increased public accessibility
Outcome Indicator
Verification Source
1.2.1. Share of annual monitoring reports on implementation of strategies approaved by the government that comply with the requirements of updated Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook
Annual Monitoring Report of the Action Plan
1.2.1. Share of annual monitoring reports on implementation of strategies approaved by the government that comply with the requirements of updated Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook
1.2.2 Share of mid-term or final evaluation reports on implementation of strategies approaved by the government that comply with the requirements of updated Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook&
1.2.2 Share of mid-term or final evaluation reports on implementation of strategies approaved by the government that comply with the requirements of updated Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook&
1.2.3 Share of annual monitoring reports on implementation of strategies approaved by the government that are published on the website of the responsible agency
Annual Monitoring Report of the Action Plan
1.2.3 Share of annual monitoring reports on implementation of strategies approaved by the government that are published on the website of the responsible agency
Activity 1.2.1
Elaboration of the Policy Monitoring and Evaluation Standards
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.2.1
Elaboration of the Policy Monitoring and Evaluation Standards
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Monitoring and Evaluation Guideline is approved along with the Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook
Legislative Herald
Administration of the Government of Georgia
Policy Planning and Coordination Reform Working Group member agencies
19 09
Administrative Expenses
Fully Implemented
Monitoring and Evaluation Guideline is approved along with the Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook
Activity 1.2.2
Retraining of civil servants through a Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation training module
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.2.2
Retraining of civil servants through a Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation training module
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
70 civil servant are retrained
Attendance sheets
Administration of the Government of Georgia
20 03
Fully Implemented
70 civil servant are retrained
Activity 1.2.3
Develop a Unified E-System for elaboration, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of policy documents
Partly Implemented
Activity 1.2.3
Develop a Unified E-System for elaboration, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of policy documents
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Budget A document describing business processes of the e-system is developed in accordance with agreed concept
Final document describing business processes of the e-system
Administration of the Government of Georgia
19 09
Fully Implemented A document describing business processes of the e-system is developed in accordance with agreed concept E-system (platform) is developed and operates on the bases of the final document describing business processes
E-system web-portal
Administration of the Government of Georgia
20 03
Partly Implemented E-system (platform) is developed and operates on the bases of the final document describing business processes E-system operates properly and technical support is sustained
E-system web-portal
Administration of the Government of Georgia
20 12
Unimplemented E-system operates properly and technical support is sustained E-system allows citizens to give their opinion on policy documents that are in the process of elaboration
E-system web-portal
Administration of the Government of Georgia
20 12
Unimplemented E-system allows citizens to give their opinion on policy documents that are in the process of elaboration
Activity 1.2.4
Training for e-system users
Activity 1.2.4
Training for e-system users
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Trainings are conducted and 100 civil servants (users) are trained
Attendance sheets
Administration of the Government of Georgia
Policy Development and Coordination Reform Working Group member agencies
20 12
Trainings are conducted and 100 civil servants (users) are trained
Objective 1.3
Develop a practice of elaborating Policy Documents electronically in order to enhance the transparency of anti-corruption policy elaboration and effectiveness of inter-agency coordination
Objective 1.3
Develop a practice of elaborating Policy Documents electronically in order to enhance the transparency of anti-corruption policy elaboration and effectiveness of inter-agency coordination
Outcome Indicator
Verification Source
1.3.1 Timeline for Policy elaboration, monitoring and evaluation
4 months / 2 months
3 months / 1 month
Unified E-portal
1.3.1 Timeline for Policy elaboration, monitoring and evaluation
1.3.2 Share of representatives of the Anti-corruption Inter-agency Coordination Council member agencies who have completed the training "with distinction"
Unified E-portal
1.3.2 Share of representatives of the Anti-corruption Inter-agency Coordination Council member agencies who have completed the training "with distinction"
1.3.3 Increased engagement of the Council member NGOs and international organizations
up to 30 comments
At least 50 activities of the Action Plan have written remarks from council member civil society and international organizations
Unified E-portal
1.3.3 Increased engagement of the Council member NGOs and international organizations
1.3.4 Share of the strategic documents and monitoring reports that are filled out flawlessly
70% of the first drafts
Unified E-portal
1.3.4 Share of the strategic documents and monitoring reports that are filled out flawlessly
Activity 1.3.1.
Development of Anti-corruption Council E-portal concept
Activity 1.3.1.
Development of Anti-corruption Council E-portal concept
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Budget Interim working group is established and composed of representatives of the Council member agencies and technical personnel in order to develop E-portal
Minutes of the WG meetings
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
19 09
Administrative Expenses
Unimplemented Interim working group is established and composed of representatives of the Council member agencies and technical personnel in order to develop E-portal The research on best-practice is conducted
Research document is shared with the members of WG
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
19 09
Unimplemented The research on best-practice is conducted The concept of E-portal is developed and agreed upon by the WG
Final document describing business processes of the E-portal
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
19 12
Administrative Expenses
Unimplemented The concept of E-portal is developed and agreed upon by the WG Document describing business processes of the E-portal is developed on the bases of agreed concept
Final document describing business processes of the E-portal
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
19 12
Unimplemented Document describing business processes of the E-portal is developed on the bases of agreed concept
Activity 1.3.2.
Technical development and launch of the portal
Activity 1.3.2.
Technical development and launch of the portal
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Budget E-portal (program) is developed and launched based on the final document describing business processes
E-portal is is operating mode
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
20 03
Unimplemented E-portal (program) is developed and launched based on the final document describing business processes User Manual of the E-portal is developed
User manual is accessible on the E-portal and shared with the Anti-corruption Council member agencies
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
20 03
Unimplemented User Manual of the E-portal is developed E-portal operates properly and technical support is sustained
The E-system
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
20 12
Unimplemented E-portal operates properly and technical support is sustained
Activity 1.3.3.
Trainings for E-portal users
Activity 1.3.3.
Trainings for E-portal users
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Representatives of the Anti-Corruption Council member agencies are trained
Attendance sheets
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
20 12
Representatives of the Anti-Corruption Council member agencies are trained
Comment can be made after evaluation
At least 2 employees of units with analytical functions from each Anti-Corruption Council member agencies are trained in using e-portal
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
20 12
At least 2 employees of units with analytical functions from each Anti-Corruption Council member agencies are trained in using e-portal
Objective 1.4
Establish the evidence-based policy development system through implementation of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on legislative acts
Objective 1.4
Establish the evidence-based policy development system through implementation of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on legislative acts
Outcome Indicator
Verification Source
Share of the Government initiated legislative packages elaborated in accordance with the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA)
OGP Action Plan 2018-2019 self assessment final report;
Joint report prepared by the AoG and MoJ (2020)
Share of the Government initiated legislative packages elaborated in accordance with the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA)
Activity 1.4.1.
Elaboration of the draft law on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.4.1.
Elaboration of the draft law on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Budget Draft law on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is elaborated
OGP Action Plan 2018-2019 self assessment final report
Ministry of Justice of Georgia; Administration of the Government of Georgia
19 09
Administrative Expenses
Fully Implemented Draft law on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is elaborated Draft law on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is submitted to the Government
OGP Action Plan 2018-2019 self assessment final report
Ministry of Justice of Georgia; Administration of the Government of Georgia
19 12
Administrative Expenses
Fully Implemented Draft law on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is submitted to the Government Draft law on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is approved by the Government and submitted to the parliament
OGP Action Plan 2018-2019 self assessment final report
Ministry of Justice of Georgia; Administration of the Government of Georgia
19 12
Administrative Expenses
Fully Implemented Draft law on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is approved by the Government and submitted to the parliament
Activity 1.4.2.
Elaboration of the methodological manual on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts
Fully Implemented
Activity 1.4.2.
Elaboration of the methodological manual on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Budget Methodological manual on the Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is developed
OGP Action Plan 2018-2019 self assessment final report
Ministry of Justice of Georgia; Administration of the Government of Georgia
19 12
Administrative Expenses
Fully Implemented Methodological manual on the Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is developed Methodological manual on the Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is submitted to the Government
OGP Action Plan 2018-2019 self assessment final report
Ministry of Justice of Georgia; Administration of the Government of Georgia
19 12
Administrative Expenses
Fully Implemented Methodological manual on the Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts is submitted to the Government
Activity 1.4.3.
Awareness of civil servants responsible for lawmaking is raised and trainings are conducted on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts
Mostly Implemented
Activity 1.4.3.
Awareness of civil servants responsible for lawmaking is raised and trainings are conducted on Regulatory Impact Assessment of legislative acts
Output Indicator
Verification Source
Responsible Agency
Partner Agency
Term of Implementation
Trainings are conducted, 50 civil servants are trained
Attendance sheets
Ministry of Justice of Georgia; Training Center of Justice of Georgia; Administration of the Government of Georgia
20 12
Mostly Implemented
Trainings are conducted, 50 civil servants are trained
Hi there!